Showing posts with label wargaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wargaming. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dropzone Commander - Neptune Dropships

Hello!  Well, it's been a while hasn't it? Apologies for the gross negligence of my little corner of the internet over the last couple of months.

I'm hoping normal(ish) service will now be resumed for the forseeable future and I'd like to kick things off with some pics of my most recent project, 3 Neptune Dropship miniatures for Dropzone Commander!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Salute 2012 #3

I had some more photos that I wanted to post up from Salute.  I also wanted to share a couple of observations from the day, now that I've had a chance to recover!

Sorry about that

First of all an apology.  I didn't get even one picture of any of the entrants to the painting competition (other than my own...). For a painting blog that's pretty atrocious! It was so busy early on that it was difficult to get through to the display cabinets and I didn't take my good camera and basically I'm making excuses... Assuming I get the chance to go again next year I'll try harder I promise!

Rude health

This is the first time I've been to an event like this and I have to say I had a brilliant time.  There was so much to look at and there was such a great buzz, I was like a kid in a sweet shop.  I was very happy just being there and soaking in the atmosphere, so happy in fact, I stayed the entire day.

What struck me most was that this is an industry that appears to be thriving and incredibly diverse.  Everything you could think of in the wargaming universe was well represented, from 40k, fantasy, historical, steampunk, boardgames, card games, scenery... you name it, it was probably there.  And it was 'so' busy!

That might all sound a little naive for those of you who've been around the scene for a few years, but I was hugely encouraged by it.


My favourite stands were actually side by side in the huge hall the convention was held in, namely
The Basement, Miniature Factory and Studio Mcvey.  Some busts and mini's painted by The Basement are pictured below and in my previous post.  Trust me, the photo's just don't do them justice at all, they're absolutely breathtaking.  I got talking to one of the painters, Mark Taylor, who I later saw stepping up to receive a prize in the painting competition.  That'll be me one of these days hopefully!

I also got to meet, Thomas David of the Miniature Factory.  As some of you may know, Thomas featured in a speed painting video from Miniature Mentor, which inspired me to try zenithal highlighting (with modest success) on my own miniatures.  Very nice man.

In the end I didn't get to speak to the McVeys as they were constantly surrounded by fans but it was great to see they were supporting the event.

While I'm name dropping, I have to tell you that right at the end of the show I was able to chat to Paul Sawyer, former editor of White Dwarf! Paul has been working with Warlord Games for some time now and you can see that his passion and enthusiasm for this industry is absolutely undimmed.  Absolutely top bloke and happy to chat even though it was right at the very end of the show.


This blog is primarily focused on painting.  In fact I haven't produced one gaming post since I started this blog at the end of January.  Gaming wasn't even on the radar for me... until yesterday.  I have to say I am sorely tempted by at least 2 of the gaming systems/scales I saw. Both historical and both set in my favourite historical period, World War 2.

Vying for my attention is Flames of War with their 15mm miniatures and the 28mm Bolt Action miniatures form Warlord Games.  I'm told that the Warlord WWII miniatures will have their own gaming system arriving in August.  Good grief, there goes the rent money...

Final thoughts

As I worked my way round the show and got chatting to the various stand owners and participants it was clear to me that this is an incredibly friendly, diverse community full to the brim with thoughtful, creative people of all ages and walks of life.  Everyone I spoke to was more than willing to give up some time to chat. It was an absolute pleasure to be there and I've come away overflowing with inspiration.

I voiced these thoughts to Paul Sawyer during our brief conversation and he was able to perfectly sum up when he said "I think this is a golden era for wargaming..."

And long may it continue.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Salute 2012

Totally overwhelmed! It's amazing here. The only slight problem is my eyes can't seem to focus properly due to last nights painting marathon…

The standard of painting is absurdly high. Already I can see I don't stand a chance in the painting comp but I don't care. It's such a pleasure to see so many well painted mini's.

Pics below from some of the war gaming tables and I'll post some more as the day goes in.